Tuesday 1 April 2014

Wha happened after miami mega jail

Just a little recap of what happened in Miami Mega Jail. It’s a jail in Main, it is one of America’s biggest and it is home for inmates that have not yet been convicted. They are waiting for their trials, sometimes it takes day other times it takes years. Louis spent his time on the high level security floor where there is a lot of violence.

The prisoners have a culture of their own. They are always in their cells and they are only allowed out twice a week. This may be the reason for violence. They have a code that all prisoners must live by and it’s called GABOS which stands for “Game Ain’t based on sympathy”.

For all of you who have watched Miami Mega Jail part 1 and 2, you are probably wondering what happened to some of those inmates. Well Louis’s series producer gave us some information about what happened to the inmates. Robert Shaw the guy accused of triple murder is still waiting for his trial date.

Brenton smith who is only 14 years old is back to the boot camp to try and give it another shot and complete the course.

If I find more information I will make sure to let you guys know!

Can you believe what kind of crazy weekends people have??

Have you had a crazy weekend before that you just sometime sit down and have a good laugh thinking about??In Louis Theroux documentary he goes through different series about people’s weird weekends and the different things they do some times they just travel to do gambling .I can relate to a crazy weekend. One weekend I ended up staying for two days no sleep travelling from Niagara falls to Oshawa, to London Ontario.it sure was fun and all but started to get tiring but at the end I can say I had a weird and fun weekend .

After reading this what’s your next weekend going to be like??
According to Louis documentary and my own research about crystal meth, it takes about one hit for you to become an addict or other people have different opinions .first time you feel happy and nothing can stop you but once you become a regular user that’s when your life goes downhill, the side effect are tremendous, such as losing teeth and twitching and worst off all you just start losing your family and everyone around you and your money.
So would you put yourself in that situation or think it threw?? 
Louis Theroux goes on to an adventure in south Africa and film a series of documentaries  to find out how people hunt and how many people travel just to go hunting there because u have more variety of animals you can hunt from .he is amazed to how people have the guts to kill an animal and call them trophies !! Here is a link you can watch about his documentary.

After you watched the documentary and still thrilled by what you saw and interested in giving it a try here is another link if you are a beginner in hunting. http://camping.about.com/c/ec/1.htm

Now are you going to give hunting a try? Let me know what you think about hunting?
Louis Theroux Coalinga State Hospital holds about 500 pedophiles you might have a different though and ask why they are not in jail instead for what they have done. Well they are trying to help these people to stop doing what they are doing them by providing them with a course they have to take and stay at the hospital in order to become normal again and don’t be accused of being pedophiles anymore. You might say now that you fear for your children to keep them safe that’s why you have to take caution over your child to keep them safe.

1. Don’t talk to strangers
2. Don’t take anything from stranger
3. Don’t take a ride from anyone u don’t know

4. Avoid any conversation or going places with anyone you don’t know 

So what would you differently to protect your children from these pedophiles?