Tuesday 25 March 2014

Louis and The Nazis

Louis and the Nazis is talked about Louis Theroux travels to California to meet the man dubbed "the most dangerous racist in America"; Tom Metzger. Louis meets him, his family and his publicity manager as well as following him to skinhead rallies and on a visit to Mexico. (Louis and the Nazis, 2003)

From this video, I had learn that how the environment had influence children who are brought up there.  Compare to those children, I feel I am a lucky person because I growth up in a good environment which I can got what I need and sometimes I can got what I want.

I felt so upset about those kids who lived there and at the same time I realized that I should cherish what I have nowadays.

©Licensed under Creative Common: Kevin Dooley

What do you think after you watch this film? Have you feel the same way as mine?

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