Wednesday 12 March 2014

The most hated family in America

Why do we hate? Is there a religion that preaches hate?? Well, would anyone even do that?

A family living in the heart of the Baptist church (seems nice)

An organization that believes that the United States government is immoral for tolerating and accepting homosexuality in their core (well some people do).

A group of protests at funerals of us military veterans, a family gathering together and holding up signs that say ”God Hates Fags” and “thank god for dead soldiers”!!(Well no wonder they are hated)
This is what the most hated family in America does every single day and this is what they live for as we can see in this documentary!

Louis Theroux decides to pay them a visit and interview their leader who claims that all the natural disasters happening in the world is because God hates homosexuality.
Fred Phelps, the leader, considers himself to be a prophet to preach the “message of hate”. This seems very unrealistic.

This can teach us all a lesson! We all have judged someone at some point or made an assumption. So are we any different? We can be!
©Creative Commons, **RCB2** (July 4, 2011)

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