Sunday 23 March 2014

Candid Glimpse on TV Junkie

Can you believe this guy?? Records himself to show how drugs affected his family and work!!
BBC Documentaries done by Louis Theroux does a documentary about TV junkie and you may ask yourself this, is it really easy to let something like drugs destroy your life and lose everything around you?? Well the answer is yes once you start doing it, it becomes a priority then it’s all you think about and you forget everyone around you and everything that was important in your life .so why do drugs if it’s going to coast you hell in your life, all it takes is to try it once and you’re hooked. That’s why you have to think about stuff twice before trying It. think about the pros and cons and how it can affect you.

Will you choose the right path??
Figure 1.  tv. [Photograph] by chris, 2011,
Adapted from

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