Wednesday 19 March 2014

Indian Gurus

I just spent 48 minutes really well!
Louis travels to India to watch western people who seek “enlightenment”. He meets a 57 year old psychology professor called Deepa who has been studying meditation for the past 10 years, he introduces Louis to multiple kinds of meditation but Louis does not seem to be impressed or touched by any of the spiritual things he puts himself into. He also meets Mike, a man consumed by the spiritual world in India
This man follows a guru called Swami Ganapathi who claims to have powers through hugging people. (Yes hugs, seems nice)
Louis is very cynical and we can see in this documentary film some of his most well-known cynicism.  He doubts everything and doubts how genuine these people are. After watching this documentary I’m going to ask you guys to watch it. Please feel free to discuss any question you might have here. As for me I will start now!
Do you guys think that these gurus actually believe that they have spiritual powers? Or are they just fooling everyone?
And if they do have powers why wouldn't they fix everything that is wrong in the world?
And why do they only exist in India

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