Wednesday 19 March 2014

Louis and the brothel

This documentary reveals the day to day life in one of America’s largest legal brothel. Louis decides to spend 6 weeks with Lance and Susan who are the brothel owners and the girls that work there!

Tip#1: imagine being in the other persons shoes for a day!

As soon as you start watching the documentary you will realize that it’s not only the men who are paying a price for a service but also the girls who work there are paying an even higher price.  A girl named belle who is 21 but looks 12 is a favourite amongst paedophiles!
Haley, struggles with alcoholism and contemplates a life outside prostitution.

Tip#2: Don’t make assumptions because there is a reason behind everything

Louis tries to be emotionally detached from the girls, but at some point that stops because he learns about Haylee. She had a very difficult life, her husband tried to shoot her and that left her partially deaf and then he killed himself. She became emotionally unstable due to the fact and that led her to prostitution.

Tip 3: Make sure you always follow tip 1 and tip 2!

For every Cause there is always a reason!

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